Friday, September 30, 2005

The many faces of Sophie

Put a DSLR in Daddy's hands and there's no telling what he'll come up with.

Sophie is 8 days old here.

My big brother...

Nicolas adores his baby sister. So far, so good. He's really gentle with her.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My weekiversary

So Sophie had her first doctor's appointment today and in his words "she's huge!". She's regained her birth weight within 7 days (had lost almost a pound) and added an ounce for luck. She's now 9lbs, 3oz. She hiccups a lot; the doctor explained that it's not an adult hiccup. In babies it indicates brain development - the more they hiccup the smarter they're getting. So she'll be big and smart :-)

Here's a picture, just back from the doc's, with hair for a change. Sorry it looks so much like the last one - will post more soon - honest!

All too much...

Not a lot of sleep happening around here so you grab it when and where you can :-)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Aunty Suzanne, Nicolas & Sophie

Nicolas thanks Aunty Suzanne for taking such good care of him.

Aunty Suzanne, Sophie, Mummy

Sophie thanks Aunty Suzanne for taking such good care of her big brother while Mummy and Daddy were busy at the hospital.

Introducing .... Sophie Anne

Well, Sophie Anne made her way into the world as planned, at 39 weeks, by scheduled c-section Tuesday September 20 at 8:43am. She weighed 9lbs, 2oz and is 19.5 inches long.

Here's a first peek - more to come.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sophie and Daddy

Back in our hospital room, Sophie and Daddy hang out.

Smart Sophie - gift exchange

Sophie already knows how to get to her brother's heart, as demonstrated when she arrives with a Thomas engine, Lady, in hand. Nicolas is impressed she knows him so well.

Nicolas sings Happy Birthday

Big brother Nicolas (that's what the t-shirt says!) and Aunty Suzanne were Sophie's first visitors. Nicolas sings Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle, and the Purple People Easter (newly learned at daycare). Check out Sophie - she turned her head towards Nick when she heard his voice, eyes wide open.

Mummy and Sophie

While still in the OR, Mummy gets to checkout Sophie close up for the first time.

The big day...

Here I am in the Birthing Centre triage just before heading to the OR. Last time the belly's this big :-)

Monday, September 19, 2005

'Twas the night before delivery...

Here are some pix taken tonight. We go into the hospital at 5:30am tomorrow (ugh!)

Sunday, September 18, 2005