Monday, October 31, 2005

Hallowe'en 2005

Nicolas wanted to dress as Sheriff Woody from Toy Story for Hallowe'en this year. He got into the spirit a lot more than last year. He even answered the door with me. At first he was very shy but by the end was handing candy out to the kids.

Hallowe'en 2005

Nick and Daddy go trick or treating. Nicolas went further this year and came back with quite the loot! Way more candy than he'll ever eat (of course, we haven't told him that, yet ;-)

Hallowe'en 2005

Bobbing for apples - lots of fun!

Hallowe'en 2005

Nicolas watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and absolutely had to try bobbing for apples.

Hallowe'en 2005

Here's Sophie (6 weeks old tomorrow!) in her hallowe'en "costume". Yes, we now get regular, beautiful smiles :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

One month old today!

Well, Sophie and we have mutually survived the first month. As you can see, she's thriving. She now weighs 11lbs, 3 oz. The good news is that her lungs are getting vigorous exercise. The bad news is that Mummy, Daddy and Nicolas have sustained hearing loss :-(
Still, we'll keep her :-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How I spend my day...

Well, when the bouncy chair, bassinet and swing just won't cut it, there's always Mummy to hang out on.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Just swinging...

Sophie has developed a little evening fussiness (we are loathe to utter the "c" word). So we try a variety of gizmos and see what works. The swing seems to do the trick - thanks, Gran & Grandad!

Gone apple picking!

Nicolas had his first outing with daycare this year - apple picking. He brought a big bag of apples back for Mummy. They baked individual apple pies at daycare, too. Too bad Nick doesn't like apple pie. Ah well, Mummy does :-)

Best sleep position...

... on a warm body...