Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Smiley girl...

No matter what Sophie is doing now - crying, screaming, laughing or smiling, like here at 7 weeks - we hold her tight because we know this time is gone before we know it. And while each age has it's own joys and sorrows, she'll never again be the age she is today.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Happy 4th Birthday, Nick!

Four years ago today... time flies far too fast!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Great party, man!

Tomorrow, November 7th, Nicolas turns 4 years old. We had a little party today with his grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousin Alessandra. As you can see, it wore Nick out! I thought kids were supposed to have boundless energy...

We celebrated Nicolas' 4th birthday on Sunday with family. Here he is will his cousin Alessandra who is 6 months younger than Nick.