Friday, December 23, 2005

Three Months old!

December 20 - Sophie has made it to 3 months. She weighs about 13lbs and has just this week started chatting up a storm. She is very interested in the world around her, especially Nicolas for whom she reserves the biggest smiles and at whom she is trying hard to laugh.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Look at those cheeks!

Nicolas built his first snowman of the season. Well, okay, the head's a start...

Ready for the snow!

Sophie got all bundled up to hang outside with Mummy, Daddy and Nicolas while we decorated the house for Christmas. Despite cold temperatures and lots of windy, Sophie remained toasty warm.

Daddy, Nicolas and Sophie

Just hanging out!

Nicolas meets Santa

As you can see, Nicolas has never gotten over his shyness with Santa.

Sophie meets Santa Claus

So Sophie had her first encounter with Santa Claus and had about the same reaction as Nicolas did the first time - who is this guy and why are my parents letting me sit on his lap???

Terrific Trio

Mummy, Nicolas and Sophie just hanging out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I've got a secret...

November 25 - ... Mummy loves Sophie soooooo much!
Sophie is 9 1/2 weeks old here.

Me and my big brother

November 24 - At the end of a long, hard day at daycare, Nick likes to kick back and relax with his baby sister. Notice how much bigger Sophie gets each time but big, strong Nick can still handle it!

Love my swing!

November 20 - Sophie likes to hang out in her swing. Can't sleep there, though :-(

Playtime with Daddy

November 19 - This guy is too funny :-)

Playtime with Daddy

November 19 - Nothing like a good solid lap to hang out on.


November 12 - Sophie spends some quality time on her activity mat. Her favourite activity? Checking out the other baby in the mirror!

Sophie loves her teddy bears

November 12 - Here's Sophie in her bassinette, watching her teddy bears go round and round as they "sing" to her. Sophie is 7 1/2 weeks old here and already sleeping through the night. The teddy bears help :-)