Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Gotta love a big brother

Nicolas and Sophie hang out on Nick's bed prior to naptime.

Getting ready for naptime

Nicolas reads his Thomas catalogue to Sophie before naptime.
Clearly she finds this highly amusing.

For you computer geeks out there...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sophie's new toy

Tired of sitting on her bum all day, Sophie has discovered the joys of being upright. There's no turning back now!

Or this one???

The next Harry Potter...

Nick was trying his doctor's glasses on Sophie.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Four months today!!!

Okay, time to actually put some of those beautiful outfits on her. A girl cannot live in pyjamas forever! What better way to celebrate Sophie's 4-month birthday :-)

After bath

Sophie enjoys a relaxing bath. Lavender baby wash is her favourite. Baths give me a good chance to count the new rolls of baby fat. Check out those thighs!!

Somebody get this off me!!!

Just this week we transitioned Sophie from her bassinette to her crib for sleeping. She's taken to the crib like a trooper. Still won't nap for much more than 30 minutes at a time, but she's sleeping 12 hours at night so we won't complain. Besides, we'd rather be playing with her in the daytime than the middle of the night!

First boyfriend!

Handsome, isn't he? Just hanging out on Mummy and Daddy's bed with Nicolas' teddy bear. Good thing he likes to share :-)

Sophie is 17 weeks old here.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sophie's first Christmas.

December 25 - Thank you to Aunty Tracy and Aunty Suzanne for sending such cute Christmas outfits, like this one here. Sophie and Nicolas both had a great Christmas with lots of socializing.

Back away from the toys...

... and no one gets hurt :-) Sophie, 14 weeks at Christmas, took it
all in stride. She patiently let Mummy, Daddy and Nicolas put
funny outfits and hats on her and sometimes smiled for the
camera. Or threatened us.... "put down the toy or I'll cryyyy".