Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rice cereal - yummy yummy!

So Sophie has started a steady diet of solid food - starting with rice cereal. She wasn't too thrilled with the choice, wondering if this was what she'd been drooling over for weeks. Nicolas fed her the honourary first spoon, a task he took very seriously, but was upset when she wouldn't finish the whole bowl.

Monday, March 20, 2006

6 months old today!

Happy first day of Spring! Sophie is 6 months old today. Big milestones today - Sophie learns to read and drink from a bottle. Phew - now Daddy and Nick can handle some of the meals! Sophie is also modelling another Mummy knit creation.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I spotted the first cardinal of the year today, singing his heart out in the backyard, so Spring really cannot be far away. Likewise, Sophie donned some springtime clothes, all ready for the Easter bunny :-)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Learning to sit

Sophie will be 6 months old on March 20th and while she has yet to roll over, she seems intent on skipping that and going straight to sitting. Nicolas has been helping her learn :-)


We went to Mum & Dad's on the weekend of March 4th. It was the first time they had seen Sophie since she was 5 weeks old. She's 5 1/2 months in these photos. The trip is a good 6 hours of driving plus stops. It was Sophie's first long car trip and she did very well, only getting fussy on the last leg of the trip home.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just lounging

Here's Sophie practicing sitting up. She's close; if only the jammies weren't so darned slippery. She's 23 weeks here.