Thursday, April 20, 2006

7 months old today!!

Sophie is 7 months old today. She can sit fairly well by herself, though she will tumble occasionally. She's still not too keen on that solid food/mush Mummy keeps offering. She'll stick to milk for now. It's freaking me out how fast time is flying and how big she's getting. Someone slow it down!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Fun!

We had a terrific Easter with Gran and Grandad and Aunty Suzanne, Uncle Chris and cousin Robert staying with us. Uncle Andrew, Aunty Pia, cousin Alessandra, Uncle Paul, Grandma and Grandpa came over during Easter, too! We tried on our Easter dress (thank you, Aunty Tracy) and Easter bonnet (thank you, Aunty Pia), made Easter cupcakes with Aunty Suzanne and in general, had a good time. We even got pictures of the elusive teenage cousin Robert!

Old Navy Baby

I know I should get promotional consideration for this but the pics are just too cute. I bought this hat for Nicolas when he was a baby but it never fit. Tried it on Sophie and... voila!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday in the park

Sophie got her first taste of the park today as she went on the swings for the first time. Judging by the giggling, I think she liked it. Nicolas had his usual good time in the sand, his favourite part of the park.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

An Early reader

Sophie cannot leave the newspaper alone if it's within reach so I gave up and offered her a section to read...

Sweet potato - even better!

Cereal was not a big hit - rice or oatmeal so far. So, we tried some veg. Apparently sweet potato is acceptable, though Sophie still doesn't have a big appetite. Well, some of it made it into the mouth :-)