Saturday, May 27, 2006

Napping in the park...

My pretty dress

Before and after

This is what happens when we eat chocolate ice cream cones on a warm sunny day.... good thing every day is laundry day. Now let's see how good that detergent really is...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

8 months today!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sophie at play

It's a gloomy Friday so poor Sophie gets to do a photo shoot! Yes, I will one day teach her that books are not for eating. What kind of librarian would I be otherwise??

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Brother and sister

Some play time for Nicolas and Sophie. Nicolas seems to enjoy the fact that Sophie can now sit up and "participate" a little more in play time. How much do they look alike !?!?!


Yes, I know, the food is supposed to go in the baby, but sometimes they just have ideas of their own... every day is laundry day...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Beautiful sunny day!

Nicolas and Sophie hanging out in the backyard.

Hanging out with Daddy

We hadn't used the Baby Bjorn in quite a while. Used to have Sophie in it constantly because she'd cry unless she was being carried. Here, Jean gives it a whirl just for fun and she still likes it - especially facing front now.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This chair is just my size!

And check out my groovy summer pants! Sophie is 7 months, 1 week in this picture.

Putting our heads together....

... we have the same hair!

Add pink slippers and voila!

This is the first outfit of Nick's that Sophie is wearing. There wasn't much in boyswear that I kept for her but this was neutral enough that if I only added pink or purple to it, it's perfect!