Monday, June 26, 2006

First tooth!!

Little did I know that, as I was composing the last post, that first rascally tooth was making its appearance. In fact, she appears to have popped two teeth! So, I was truly capturing her last toothless grin :-( However, I've also just captured her first toothy grin! Look closely past the chicken & veg and you'll see her first pearly white. And, she's still smiling, so life must be okay! Rock on, says Sophie!

Sophie @ 9 months

Over the weekend, Sophie started giving us the biggest, toothless, cheesy, gummy grins. This is my best attempt at capturing them on film and it still doesn't do them justice. We laugh ourselves silly ever time which just makes her grin even more! The grin won't be toothless for long. There are two teeth under the bottom gums just waiting to poke through. Another milestone, crawling appears to be just around the corner.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's hot out!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nick and Sophie go for a ride...

That's a toy motorcycle that Nick's driving. Sophie's just along for the ride.

Find the baby...

I've taken picture of all the "stuffies" so that the kids will always have a reminder of just how many they had. This is Nick's gang but Sophie wanted in on the picture.

Will these colds never end???

Sophie has had a string of colds since the fall - I guess a hazard of having an older brother in daycare. Here she gets down to the business of wiping her nose. Well, of eating tissues...