Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sophie gets mischievous

Sophie is having lots of fun exploring. She's not crawling yet but she certainly finds her way around and into things she wants, including her brother. She also finds that, some days, her feet taste better than that "stuff" I'm feeding her.

Summer fun!

I've had Nicolas home all week as Jean's away at a conference. It's been hot and sunny so by the afternoon, the kids are ready for a dip. This was Sophie's first time in the kiddy pool.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I love these pictures...

Fun times

We took the kids to LaRonde, a Six Flags amusement park, recently. Sophie didn't get on too many rides but she did have fun ...

Also, Nick is taking swimming lessons again this summer - he loves the water...

The Rapster

My daughter the rap artist...