Friday, February 02, 2007

An update

I got a message from blogger saying I had to change my password to keep my account active. That just made me realize how long it had been since I'd even looked at the blog, let alone post. I know I said I was ending posts at Sophie's first birthday but several people said "no fair", they wanted to see more pix, so I will continue to occasionally post. This is a somewhat typical picture of Sophie at 16 months.

A lot has happened in the last 4 or 5 months. Sophie started walking at 14 months, she's running laps around the house now at 16 months, chasing Nick around. She lunges at him and, look out. If she manages to tackle him, which actually happens every now and then, she bites him, much to his dismay. It's those nasty molars making their way up from her gums. You have to chew on something and Sophie sees no point in chewing on plastic or rubber teething products when there are perfectly yummy people around. We get notes home from daycare on days when Sophie "nibbles on her friends".

Will post more soon...